Internationalisation of
finance processes

Companies wanting to take their operations and business model inter­national usually think first about sales channels, marketing, and their supply chain. But their finance departments also face some very partic­ular challenges: varying national situations, qualification requirements for finance personnel, hedging of currency and default risks, and cul­tural differences all require particular attention. And sooner or later, the after-effects of the post-merger integration process will make them­selves felt in the financial flows.

The more ineffective a finance department’s structure and processes are, the bigger the impacts will be – including on business decisions. In this scenario, decisions are often founded not on reliable and above all comparable figures, but on emotion or on a business’s experience in its domestic market.


Find out more about why the interplay between finance and business is so important and how it works in my project descriptions.

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Michael Daub

Since 2010, I have worked independently as a CFO, consultant and advisory board member – to help you get more out of your finance set-up.

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